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Dec. 7. Geo. N. Lawrence, New York City. Bird-skins borrowed and returned to owner.

" [[Ditto for: Dec.]] 24. Chas. K. Worthen, Warsaw, Il. Bird-skins returned to owner.

" [[Ditto for: Dec.]] 26. Chas. H. Townsend, Baird, Cal. Official envelopes. 

The distribution of specimens during the month was as follows: -

[[underlined]] Exchanges. [[/underlined]]

Dec. 21. Senator Beck, Washington, D.C. 17 specimens, 15 species, mounted game- and water-birds.

" [[Ditto for: Dec.]] 27. Chas. B. Cory, Boston, Mass. 5 specimens, 5 species (North American and West Indian).

" [[Ditto for: Dec.]] 28. Chas. K. Worthen, Warsaw, Ill. 17 specimens, 16 species (North American).

[[underlined]] Loaned for examination [[/underlined]].

Dec. 3. R.B. Sharpe, British Museum. 12 specimens, 4 species of Purple Martins (genus [[underlined]] Progne [[/underlined]]).