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2 pieces silk - 2 ft square
blue green Mt landscape
with small architecture, Kiminah>?
called [[strikethrough]]Kenya[[/strikethrough]]  ^[[Bayen]]. but seems earlier in Ming. Mts fine of [[Comiga?]] with Sung feeling half retained. Not mere copy - not Ming con[[?]] [[??]] Sungoid. X| with group of buildings in foregrnd is best. Box says Kunyu

2 large ink on silk
Call Bayen - landscapes - 
              call Bakoken
really [[strikethrough]]Ming[[/strikethrough]]^[[Yuen?]]. X | with soft light
rocks pines
looser in composition than Sung, MOre angular, & wild in form. Good [[nolas??]]


X 1 large color silk called BAyen
almost exactly like the "Kahan" maki in style. Surely Sung design, original or copy - which? Might be design of Enjehei, Bayen or Kahi, finer design than Z.

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Sessona painted fan, in silk
reg from landscape, if [[could?]] be
[[Itollind?]]. X. typical Mohheimist Sessona lovely


set of 2, Rahan
figures from Rumona, but smaller
landscape behind - unb[[?]]
like naiga, but newer looking 
said to be [[?]] Daruma


Kasuya school - time of Tabayist
3 for - Artist = [[1st linen?]] - other gold - 
2 lovely figures in color. design of Matomika
by someone about 11or -


[[Rikulanetu?]] figure [[?]] - Yanis -
Chosoyo 9 figures

large [[?]] of gold [[??] over that 
might be Yashimitru