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[[underline]] Sotaku - Series. 
Old & new[[/underline]]

X pair of wave screens    6 ft

[[Matsushine?]] . the right one
looks like [[P??]] Kan, is best
photo both, then slides of parts
not [[??]] to Koyetsu
Was [[famous?[ or [[length?]] of Aki for centuries - 

2 new ones     6 ft
realistic interior
clothes on rocks [[?]]. cats
distant [[underlined]]oil[[/underlined]] notes, rock & shore only
balcony - man seems [[?]] furniture another
design on doors or like [[?]] of post
Matchi Makimono - most rich 
unexpected condition of color
Soletu good Ko[[?]] [[??]] in [[??]]
Sessona landscape [[??]]

[[end page]]
[[start new page]]

2 ink dragons - 6ft

2 pair with separate 12 panels of 6h
wild geese on mtn faint not great

2 pair - ink, large storks
better than the [[duels?]] but still a little pale & ineffective. Not equal to Molin[[?]]s lg storks.  6h


2, pair - low - 6 p.
silver. dull flower, [[wonts?]] which few colors chosen to harmonize with untarnished silver

X 1 low 6 panel
6 pairs of Tosaich work in color. 
gold & silver flowers in gnd
not inferior to old [[loss?]]
superb color
harmonies [[artistic as or?]] eternal


2 medium low  6 panel. 
gold grnd - Ca[[?]], rich
good [[Kanouh?]] flowers
