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1,2 panel
Nanoleaf - Kanoish earliest?
[[image - line]]
1,2 pane, white flower on
silver grd.  [[??]] effect
[[image - line]]
1 2 panel (new)
2 deer & many flowers, on field
opaque colors - no Zoser feeling
yet. a little raw, with its opaque
ground over golds

2 semi low 6 panel, new
gold ground
poppies - sparse, thin, flat
opaque [[petal?]], delicate
beauty - charming - like fairy [[?]]
flowers like butterflies
just [[???]]

[[end page]]
[[start new page]]

2 pair, 6 panel larger
a million pinks, with [[?]] yellow
another [??]] & Kabei
utmost delicate [[pretty?]] frame
Naturalistic rather than Taoist in feeling
rather large? Just [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] near
the time of the Boston set.
X photo [[sprayed??]] by reflection.
not far in[[??]] from [[??]] pair
[[strikethrough]]lack leg [[/strikethrough]]
lack no [[?]] by [[?? ??]]

1 6 panel The mimosa & flowers. 

2 6 panel
the figure [[??]]
lemon gold & [[??] from
the one with the stems in 1 of 4 greatest


1 large 6 panel - gold
[[??]] of Kabei & large colored flowers ordinary style of Solatans flowers