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Korni series of scenes
1 medium low 6 panels
2 farmers plowing with ox &  horse 
has a still lower scene over 
more relying on aesthetics of [[manner?]], then of [[good spring?]]

Kenjan - 1 2 panel
2 designs - Shinto [[rights?]] it [[?]] - figures
magnificent [[?]] & spacing - 
The Korni seems a little childish in comparison. [[underlined]]noble emotion![[/underlined]]


Kenjan - lg two panel
of stark, very large, & maple leaves
very mannerist and blotchy in the net aff[[?]] - quite [[similar?]] to pottery [[connections?]]
far more than [[?]]

[[end page]]
[start page]]

This, if genuine, should be a very late work of Kenjan - 

or yet the big 4 panel seems by Kenjan of white flowers is dated "79"

Kori 1 six panel -
the [[?]]
great wild [[?]]
This, though gray, modified ink, by something of the [[?]], of the [[?]] Kejan, but not [[?]] - This is a splendid languid [[?]] in form, modified from angles to [[?]] as if it were down in lower Katsu's garden.
I now see this to be far finer than I ever did before
great Kori [[?]] [[?]]

of the 2 Kenjan scenes on [[?]] page, the figures are mostly opaque ptg. this starts [[?]] to overdo the Solatun transparent art.