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tall Kah
red [[?]] & white poppies
Most interesting to compare with Solatan poppy. formerly flowers [[theory?]] K[[?]] but not 3 finely so as the hollyhock. not good [[?]]/ trying to get transparency
Solat[[?]] or [[?]], but getting design. Vastly inferior to S. has lost fineness of line at Komi's [[bit?]]
(almost too poor to be genuine)
X Koni Kah
smaller holly hock
fine gray - C[[?] Sl[[?]]
a fine example of Koni's later style. very broad - transparent gr[[?]]
more line feeling left than in larger hollyhock. No color in leaves, [[?]] larger. 
line feeling perhaps not greater [[?]]

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to Solatans poppies, but the notion of it is broader and flatter. more mosaid [[lines?]] = not so broken with running in, 
Leaves here much better form than in the larger.

Koni - Koh
red & white [[lobai?]] mixed - 
small wet leaves, trying to be like Solatan - poor in form. curves of line in petals are like from Solatan. form [[?]] not great breadth. but giving a feeling not great for Koni,  nothing Kenjanish about it. Rather weak imitation of Solatan, and of Koni, earlier than later, I doubt its genuine. 
vastly inferior, in any case, to the small  hollyhock.