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Most superb [[?]]beaker Corean
(Stork & clo[[?]]) tall vase
 [[small sketch of vase]] gray - inlaid white - with touches of dark gray green.


Mr. F. thinks the so-called "oil spot" in design of term[[?]] was sprinkled on after glaze, which it was not. 

Termin[[?]] black is discovery of early Sung, perhaps earlier. Mr F. thinks the mottling of the blue olive Sung may be suggested by teh oil spot bottles of the earlier [[?]]

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The brown tem[[?]] with design being down to the yellow clay, Mr. F. believes to be much later, but swear it is [[strikethrough]]early[[/strikethrough]] Sung, [[?]] shouldn't the black [[?]] be Tang? Mr. F asks.

This the Sung mottled and the Sunt tem[[?]] are parallel - the mottling is often radial from center, with the earlier term[[?]] 
The earlier Taper[[?]], [[?]] used to do the radial mottling, but only in temol[[]]

[[?]] in glaze style seems to be toward end of Sung. The [[?? ?? ??]] its bubbly
Mr. Freer thinks these the later Sung pieces have had shinier glaze - and the fine grays on the [[?]] later.