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The Persian [[?]] white pieces dug up at Aleppo, and now in British Museum, are fine porcelain 
date is [[early?]] from [[place?]]

The yellow white Corean are attempts to get the finer Persian white, and out of it comes Sa[[?]], from [[?]] [[brought?]] over at time of [[Hedyesh?]]

becomes [[?]] Corean yellow
The Corean have common glazes were lame attempts to get the under olive [[?]] glazes of the Sung. 

The yellow Corean came over into [[Itagi?]] - Choshan.

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Can the finest Corean bowl Allen no. 14 be Chinese?
design seems Sung of Rimin or Kosan but never in China has any [[?]] Seiji coloring been dug up, of Sung.

In the mottled blue Sung, have olive glaze underneath, greenish, the Sungs must have known the olive Celadonish tones, even if no Sung pieces now turn up [[? ?]] style [[?]]


Also if the Taoist vases are Chinese of 4th C., we see the [[?]] to Chinese of gold olive bluish glazes, like the majority of the older Coreans.

In that case one might think that No. 14 is Chinese.