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great color effects.
but [[very?]] [[fine?]] [[are?]] ink landscapes & sprays

blue & green Kornish iris small blue & [[strikethrough]]white[[/strikethrough]] cream effects, with spray on landscapes
rich landscape with gold & blue striped clouding
reds & blues & whites [[marked?]] against clouding.
delicate violet spray in ink on white
delicate spotted landscape with small figure on [[background?]] white.

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Most complicated is small irregular long, gold & blue cloudy splendid tes[[?]] spattered rock in garden with maple trees - 
3 figures with color d[[?]] [[?]] & finest 
most complete ptg in fall colors

x photo

x photo this [[?]] [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] ][[?]]
x also the Koni [[Fukusoka?]] 8
pine & [[?]] in ink on square border
also X six sided [[?]] bowl
of Satsuma sea[[?]] with 
Camellia spray in black & [[?]] & [[?]] - This is just like the rough ptg. 
A better nature picture flower design for photographs is a round censer, gray light [[?]] glaze with Camellia spray white milk