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tem[[?]] leaves

[[drawing of footed jar with lid, with leaves drawn on the outside of jar]]

There are no Kenjan lacquers

[[underlined]]Koyetan[[/underlined]] Koni lacquers
X Koyetan square [[paper?]] box
seated [[?]] in lead with pearl b[[?]] - on ground of black clay & gold earth. [[?]] - [[?]] [[?]] cedar trees whose stems are [[?]]ting lead pearl & gold layers.

[[end page]]

Final box is a high one
[[about?]] 3 in x 10 x 11
black lacquer ground with irregular plum sprays in lead & pearl. 
superb spacing - photo
the lead is not really lead, but lead colored ptg
Mash box  Eillol coll.

Koni box  paper of horseman in gold & lead ?Zosa pines on hill in interior, also gold & lead. [[Nesseria?]] has photod