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Tang, or even [[?]] Tang design but painted in [[?]] or early Ming. Not Th[[?]] in decoration - very good in [[underlined]] spacing[[/underlined]]. China, North - de[[?]] 

earliest exhibition would be late Kim - loosely woven silk - artist same design of da[[??]] as the Renaissance school Rubens 


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Eod[[?]] Ku[[??]]
left boy, purplish, be wonderfully [[?]] leaf pattern on dress. purplish [[?]]] and goldish ground. - split body [[??]] dress
vase has ptd design of gold dragon on white. Its of some white material. Can such a con[[?]] of decorative material come as early as Tang or before Ming. Lines of boys drawing, Ming, very fie. 
flesh is finer in tone than Ru[[?]] Must find out what wash the [[?? ??]] this from So[[??]] bought from Koyesan - probably [[??] [[?? ??]].

pine desk blue background silk is reg coom [[??]] apparently some underlaid or silvery green gold under each of upper cl[[??]] - that is man[[?]] olive, with outline of dark dull blue