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Nov. 12th
I must now steadily attack the problem of a serious play, to suit all the Broadway conditions like scena[[?] and [[underlined]]written[[/underlined]] primarily by myself. Other untouched by [[ways??]]

It must be [[underlined]]serious[[/underlined]], semi tragic, yet with [[underlined]]good ending[[/underlined]]. As serious as Ibsen,
yet brighter, or with more [[underlined]]human[[/underlined]] feeling. It should really have a [[underlined]]great theme[[/underlined]], yet not be preachy, like Jones. It should have [[underlined]]pathos[[/underlined]] or [[underlined]]humor[[/underlined]], like Music M[[??]], yet not so exclusively. It must be the farthest removed from building on these lights of character, but should, at least in main parts, have strong [[underlined]]individual characterization[[/underlined]]. [[underlined]]Four acts[[/underlined]]. The development must be [[underlined]]purely dramatic[[/underlined]]. The dramatic action must [[underlined]]sprint from character[[/underlined]]. The wording must be[[underlined]]short[[/underlined]] & [[underlined]]crisp[[/underlined]] - yet such as can be [[underlined]]well rendered[[/underlined]]. The play must be full of [[underlined]]visual incidents.[[/underlined]] Scenery must not be too expressive. characters to be few.

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much of it should have domestic content, to charm women. Something in the problem should appeal to men. It must deal with problems of today. [[underlined]]Strong Love motive.[[/underlined]]

What I have to do is select a dramatic subject that conforms to these conditions. But the tentative symptoms must originate with the characters.

Certainly one great subject that needs to be treated is individualism, versus its opposites, versus the forces which, in our society - today, are tending to crush it. 

It should be a play of the Shakespearean order, in which the hero forces the action, to be met [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] later by the full oppositions.

The danger will be in temptation to let the interest be too much or thought interest. It must always [[??]] in dramatics. 

The solid value, the dire need of true individuality, must be clearly distinguished from Crankhood, more idiosyncrasy, more personality. These may be embodied in minor characters, their failure must be distinguished from the true individual's [[underlined]]moral[[/underlined]] triumph, at least.