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Queen Isabella of Bourbon Period
Philip IV old Madrid
X Philip on horseback [[ditto for Madrid]]
John of Austria
(fine slides)
X The Infanta Marguerite Louvre
The Lancers - (good slide)
X The Weavers, (good slide)
X The Forge of Vulcan
The To[[??]] (good)
Adoration of Shepherds London
X Spanish Landscape, Hague
X Portrait of self, Rome
Zurbaran, Monk at Prayer, London
[[ditto for Zurbaran]], Immac Conception

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Saw at John Lanes - Dec 15th 1907
Weale, New book on Van Eyck
Says Hubert probably instructed at Maastricht
then gone to Cologne, Basle and Italy, retruning by France, Spain & Engld, probably John van at 1385 - Hubert 1365
probably there a long time  may have settled at the Hague
J. & H's book of Hours, 1412-1418.
photographs before by [[??]]
ordered for William IV of Bavaria, Count of Holland. 
After [[?]] [[??]] ^[[1417]] moved to [[??]]
In John Lanes Spanish Series, [[?]] [[underlined]]Toledo.[[/underlined]]. Has about 40 ptgs by Greco. [[??]] from to hpoto, yet good to identify
[[underlined]]The Velaszuez[[/underlined]] is dated 1908- 
by Calvert & Hartley
in a large volume on his whole life Campbell list of his paintings. 173 in all most of these [[underlined]]are reproduced[[/underlined]]
Then arrange better than the Grecos generally not good enough for photos but some could be used
[[underlined]]Granada as Alhambra[[/underlined]] from Moorish design good
Some Murillo, statues by Cano, ptgs by Cotan, not much
[[line across page]]
Seville, has many good photos of Moorish Alcazar some beautiful to photo. far better than Alhambra