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No. 1.
Autumn moon and the Tung Ting Lake painting on silk. [[strikethrough]]Dynasty[[/strikethrough]] Sung Dynasty.
^[[L]][[strikethrough]]h.[[/strikethrough]] 74" in w. [[underline]]42"[[/underline]]in.

Hsia Yu Yu , also named Hsia Kwei, native of Hangchow, a probationer of the Imperial Art Academy, ^[[was]] skilled in painting landscape. Since the time of Lee Tang, Hsia was the best Chinese painter.

This depicts the famous Lake of Tung Ting, one of the five large lakes in China; on the banks around old looking trees standing by and in the distance, the mountain ranges seem obscurely visible and on the beach moored two boats. The whole picture was ably executed to illustrate[[strikethrough]]the[[/strikethrough]] an autumn eve, with a full moon in the sky.

Well commented by the Emperor himself and art seal attached.