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No. 6

A Study of Birds, painted on silk by 
Chao Chang of the Sung dynasty
1. 44.3" in. w. 20" in.

^[[S.J. Highly important]]
^[[I believe this genuine- Has Tangish qualities- Regal in color- Fine MS inscription-]]
[[short line]]

Chao Chang, also named Chang Chi, was skilled in painting flowers and birds after the style of Teng Chang Yui, the well known painter of flowers & birds and later surpassing himin skill. Chao Chang Chi was also an expert in painting portraits.

This depicts a pair of wild geese ^[[with golden eyes]] hopping on the rockery. The peach trees were just in blossom. The coloring is of the most attractive, in th[[strikethrough]] [[??] [[/strikethrough]]^[[is]] picture there was a grove of green bamboos and a pair of Mynahs rivals with each other with sweet songs, all lifelike. It is noted that Hwei Tsung Emperor had been so fond of the picture that he wrote a verse in admiration of the same.