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No. 15. Babies and Pussie, painted on silk by Soo Hang Chen of the Sung dynasty ^[[ Sold [[underline]]To Mrs Meyer[[/underline]] ]] ^[[L]] [[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]]. 73" in. w. 41.8" in. [[short line]] Soo Hang Chen of the Suen Ho period of the Sung dynasty, a probationer of the Imperial Art Academy, was skilled in painting Buddhist and Taoist figures and an expert in painting child life. This depicts two babies gay and healthy, dressed in the most gorgeous garments: --one of them holding a five-colored flag and the other follows. A pussie was lying on the ground with a sporting posture, playing with the children. Besides there are artistic rockeries and bamboos and varied flowers. This work was unrivalled in coloring.