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^[[ [[underlined]] [[S.I.]] [[/underlined]] ]] ^[[V.F.]] No. 17 Plum Blossoms painted by Hsia Kwei of the Sung dynasty ^[[L]] [[strikethrough]] h. [[/strikethrough]] 53.4" in. w. 28. "in. [[short line]] Hsia Hwei, also named Hsia Yu Yu, a probationer of the Imperial Art Academy of the Sung dynasty, a peer with the famous painter Ma Yuan. This depicts a bright sunny day, subsequent to heavy snow storms, the plum trees just in blossom, two hermits riding to sight -see the blossoms season of the plum trees, followed by their pages who carry umbrellas and other sundry articles. The mountain slopes, high structures of buildings and the surrounding clouds all go to show the masterful hand of an expert.