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^[[S. I.]] [[in black type]] No. 23. [[/black type]] [[blue type]] A Hermit and his Cottage painted by Ma Yuan of the Sung dynasty [[strikethrough]]h.[[/strikethrough ^[[L]] 36.4" w. 18.6" in. [[small horizontal line]] Ma Yuan, also named Ma Ching Shan, a noted painter of lanscapes. This depicts a lonely pine tree with gnarled boughs hanging do down from steep precipices; a hermit rambling about , stick in hand, followed by his page, was facing streams of water, surrounded by stone [[railing]] fences. In the centre of the picture there was a cottage, and mountain peaks appeared in the distance, all affording a n attractive scenery of exuisite suggestions. Appended a poem by Chang Tzeof the Shuen Shi period of the Sung dynasty. [[/blue type]] [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[underlined]] S. I. [[/underlined]] [[in black type]] No. 24. [[/black type]] [[in blue type]] Chasing Butterflies, painted by Hsu Tsung Chu of the Sung dynasty. 1.62.2" in. w. 26.3" in. [[small horizontal line]] Hsu Tsung Chu, grandson of the famous Chinese painter Hsu Hsi, was skilled in painting flowers and birds and plant life and insects. He was also expert in painting human figures. This depicts a belle pomp and full of health with floating garments and a palm leaf fan, chasing the butterflies--all very lifelike. [[/blue type]] ^[[This is included in the collection for comparison with the work of the painters ^[[of the]] Ukioye?, Japanese school; [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] not for exhibition purposes.]]