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[[black type]] No.25. [[/black type]] [[blue type]] A study of Birds painted on silk by Chao Sho Chi of the Sung dynasty. ^[L]] [[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]]. 66.2" in. w. 34.4" in. ^[[S.I. [[underline]]V.F]][[/underline]] [[small horizontal line]] ^[[The directness and control of stroke and quality of ink [[??]]. Tang influence]] Chao Sho Chi brother of Chao Wu Chiu, holder of the degree of the Chin Sze title, corresponding to the Ph.D of western countries, a contemporary of the noted Chinese Poet Soo Tung Po, was skilled in painting landscape, forests and snow sceneries. This depicts a big eagle with sharp claws and piercing eyes flittering their wings in the sky, with the intention of preying upon the water ducks below, some of which are shown to shriek out [[strikethrough]]of[[/strikethrough]] at the horrible situation , while escaping to the thickets of surrounding reeds. Others followed. The work is perfect in execution and vivid in expression-- a rare product even by the hands of a skilled expert. The special part of it is the fact that it is free from coloring, ^[[faint pencilled words]] and all in the black and white finish.
Transcription Notes:
Faint pencil easier to see if you look at your screen at a different angle (from below)!
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