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^[[Fine small specimen of Mi Fei and very important for S.I.]] No. 26. Mountain Sceneries painted on silk by Mi Fei of the Sung dynasty. ^[[L]][[strikethrough]]h[[/strikethrough]]. 45.4" in. w. 23.4" in. [[short horizontal line]] Mi Fei, also named Mi Yuan Chang, a native of Siang Yang was skilled in painting landscapes in which the artist[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] wields a able pen which no one else could surpass. This depicts a small bridge in the thicket of forests and the surrounding mountains and a cottage in which a n hermit was sitting at rest. In the distant there were tall buildings only obscured by the mountain clouds. Ever since Mi Fei had attempted to paint clouds, mist and other heavenly conditions, a new page was turned in the history of Chinese painting. There was a seal of Chen Hwa Emperor of the Ming dynasty which is to be prized in itself.