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^[[S.I.]] ^[[underline]]Important[[/underline]] No. 28. "Tsang Lang Yu Ti" (mountain streams and fishermen and music) painted by Ma Yuan of the Sung dynasty 1.62.4" in. w. 32.6" in. ---------- Ma Yuan ,also named Ma Ching Shan, a probationer of the Imperial Art Acadeny, a rival painter of the famous Chinese painter Hsia Kwei. This depicts a pavilion on the bank of a beach, in the building two gentlemen were engaged in game of chess. Another gray-haired man was paying attention to some flute music coming from far away. ^[[S.I.]] No. 29. Waterfalls, painted by Hu Shuen Chen of the Sung dynasty 1.64" in .w. 34" in. __________ Hu Shuen Chen was skilled in painting landscapes in the style of Kuo Hsi. He was known to be one of the best and most distinguished member of that school. This depicts the waterfalls falling from a high mountain slope. Two gentlemen clin ^[[m]]bing up the mountains and talking as they proceed.