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^[[S.I.]] No.31. Water Falls, painted ^[[by]] Lee Sze Hwai of the ^[[checkmark]] Tang dynasty. 1. 42.6" in. w. 14.2" in. __________ Lee Sze Hwei, brother of the noted Chinese painted General Lee mentioned in another connection, was skilled in painting landscape. This picture depicts a gentleman observing the running waters of the Waterfalls and his page with zither in hand, obligingly stand-standing by. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[S.I.]] No. 32. The Herons, painted by Hwang Chuan of the Five Dynasties. 1.78" in. w. 41" in. ________ Hwang Chuan also named Hwang Yao Shu, a native of Szechuen Province, was skilled in painting flowers and birds and bamboos, attaining to perfection. This depicts three [[strikethrough]]persons[[/strikethrough]] herons, some flying and other standing by a grand willow tree with birds hopping on the branches. Besides, the smartweeds and others were growing abundantly, to tell of the late autumn season.--one of the best accomplished piece of Chinese paintings.