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Water Falls, painted ^[[by]] Lee Sze Hwai of the ^[[checkmark]] Tang dynasty.
1. 42.6" in. w. 14.2" in.


Lee Sze Hwei, brother of the noted Chinese painted General Lee mentioned in another connection, was skilled in painting landscape. This picture depicts a gentleman observing the running waters of the Waterfalls and his page with zither in hand, obligingly stand-standing by.
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No. 32.
The Herons, painted by Hwang Chuan of the Five Dynasties.
1.78" in. w. 41" in.

Hwang Chuan also named Hwang Yao Shu, a native of Szechuen Province, was skilled in painting flowers and birds and bamboos, attaining to perfection. This depicts three [[strikethrough]]persons[[/strikethrough]] herons, some flying and other standing by a grand willow tree with birds hopping on the branches. Besides, the smartweeds and others were growing abundantly, to tell of the late autumn season.--one of the best accomplished piece of Chinese paintings.