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[[handwritten notation - "S.I. Superb - Be sure to retain for S.I."]]

No. 34.
The Belle[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]], painted by Shen Sze Yen of the Sung dynasty.

l. 53" in. w. 33.6" in.


Shen Sze Yen was skilled in painting belles, unrivalled by other painters of later period. This depicts a family belle dressed in luzurious gowns, holding a set of poem selections, apparently studying them carefully.
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[[handwritten notation - "S.I. Superb"]]

No. 35.

A Study of Birds, painted by Han Yiu of the Sung dynasty 

l. 60.4" in. w. 37." in.


Han Yiu of the Shoashing period of the south Sung dynasty, probationer of the Imperial Art Academy, was skilled in painting flowers and birds and insects after the style of Ling Chuan. This depicts a pair of Mandarin Ducks sitting in the shade of grass. They are of briliant plume, the entire picture being excuted with the utmost care . By the rockeries, [[^camellia]] [[strikethrough]]sundry[[/strikethrough]] flowers are in full blossom , some pink and others dark red, all looked like real ones. Besides there are white prune blossoms with numerous birds hopping and chirping fully life-like.