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No. 46. Goddes of Mercy (thousand-handed), painted by Hsu Chi Chang of the Sung dynasty. l. 45.4" in. w. 29" in. [[line]] ^[[S.I. Superb in early coloring and design. Keep above all others and beware of cracking the silk. To be unrolled only in presence of [[?LF]] ]] Hsu Chi Chang, a Taoist of the Suen Ho period of the north Sung dynasty, was skilled in painting Buddhist and Taoist spiritual portraits and legendary events. This depicts the image of the Goddes of Mercy, sitting on the dais of "Ba Pao Lien Tai" or throne in the form of lotus flower, with a g^[[o]]rgeous canopy hanging down over the throne, a most magnificent picture indeed. [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[S.I. Superb Keep by all means. Observe marvellous expression achieved by use of controlled line-]] No. 47. Portrait of Liu Hai, a legendary figure, painted by Liu Lu Chung pf the Sung dynasty. l. 57.6" in. w. 32.1" in. [[line]] Liu Lu Chung, also named Liu Tang Rang, was skilled in painting human figures and spiritual likeness. THis depicts Liu Hai with a worn out fan and [[strikethrough]]g[[/strikethrough]]^[[b]]room, sitting on the ground. By his side , stands an old pine tree.