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^[[S.I. - Important.]] No. 48. Reception Room, painted by Wang Hsi of the Sung dynasty. 1. 33" in. w. 24.1" in. [[short line]] Wang Hsi, also named Tsing Ching, was married to the Princess of Wei of the north Sung dynasty. He copied the style [[insert]]in[[/insert]] painting landscapes and figures from General Lee of the Tang dynasty. This depicts a row of pavilions; behind [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] which lie the mountain ranges and in^[[/]]front a beautiful lake. Sitting against the windows are four gentlemen having their regular vists together. The pages are shown to serve tea. ^[[Traces of mildew remain, which doubtless it was found impossible to remove.]] [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[S.I.]] ^[[underline]]very important.[[/underline]] No. 49. Hawks, painted ^[[by]] Wang Shiao of the Sung dynasty. 1.39.4" in. w. 23.6" [[line]] Wang Shiao was skilled in painting birds of the style of KUo Chuen Hwei. This depicts a pair of Hawks, one standing on a high rock and the other on a horizontal branch of a tree with the plumage painted in full details---the hawk's bill and the piercing fearful eyes combine to give one the impression that the picture has been excellenctly drawn.