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^[[S. I.]] ^[[line]] No. 51. The Chinese Agricultural Scene[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]]s,painted by Ma Ho Chi of the Sung dynasty. l. 170" in. h. 11.6" in. ________ Ma Ho Chi a native of Hangchow, Chekiang, was minister of Industry of the Sung dynas ty, an expert in painting human figures and buddhas, and especially noted for his plain blakc and white finish paintings. In the early three dynasties (Chow), the famous minister of State, Chow Kung had more than once found it necessary to admonish the heir apparent, Prince of Chen Wang, as regards the hard conditions of the Chinese rural life and written a series of verse literatures , known as the "Ping Fung Verses", consisting of eight parts. There was a painting for each of these eight parts, depicting agricultural life from the early spring when seeds are being sown till late winters after the harvests were reaped. There is nothing that could surpass these master pieces. This is one of the several paintings. In additions to Ma Ho Chi's masterful piece, this work contain the handwriting of Kao Tsung Emperor of the Sung dynasty. This is almost the best work of Chinese paintings that ever existsed.