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^[[Highly important in many ways S.I.]] No.54. After Harvest, painted by Chiao Chung Chang of the Sung dynasty. ^[[L]] [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]].8.3" in. l. 32.5" in. [[small horizontal line]] Chiao Chung Chang, a native of Ho Chung district, was skilled in painting human figures of the school of Lee Peh Shi ^[[handwritten above text]] Li Po Shi [[/handwritten]]. This depicts an old farmer accompanied by wife and children , enjoying their ease after harvest time. This work was drawn in detail and resembled a good deal that of Lee Peh Shi's hand work. Well commented by two art connoisseurs of the Ming dynasty. [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[S.I.]] No. 55. A Study of Birds, painted by Wang Ling of the Sung dynasty. l. 66" in. w. 37" in. [[small horizontal line]] Wang Ling of the period of the north Sung dynasty, a probationer of the Imperial Art Academy, was skilled in painting flowers and birds and portraits. This depicts an old plum tree, two birds sitting on the branches and a pair of swans at foot of the tree.