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No.62. Chow Dynasty :1122-255 B. C. Chow Chang, measuring 26" by 4" [[line]] This jade "Chang" is of grayish green color, resembling the briliant tinge of the setting sun; this particular kind was known to the ancients as "Shui Tsang" jade, attached [[insert]]to[[/insert]] the girdles of the ancient monarchs as recorded in the "Books of Rites". The term "Chang" is significant that the "Chang" jades were granted to his tutor minister by the King of Chow whose Capital city was located at Fung , within the modern province of Shensi, when appointing him as the Prime Minister of the State (the South Kingdom) now the well-known city of Hankow,Hupeh. Together with this special gift the tutor was awarded 10,000 cash and 100 body guards with the special instruction not to part with the jewel. It was recorded in the Book of Rites of Chow , the token of authority given by a Monarch or other distinguished persons [[strikethrough]]given[[/strikethrough]] to ministers when despatching troops for national purposes, must be no other than a "Chang". Hence the value of the present jade is apparent. This was collected by the late Viceroy Tuan Fang and most highly prized by him for two reasons, viz. (1)It is of extraordinary size, largest of all the gems found of the"early three dynasties";(2) Inscription on jades [[strikethrough]][[illegible]][[/strikethrough]]was considered rare, yet there are as many as 30 characters on this one, all inscribed with the best workmanship possible.