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(Two pages)
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Chow Pi
diametre 6.1"in thickness.2 1/2 in.


This jade if of pure green substance , was covered with a coat of red, yellow and greenish tints, extremely pretty.  It has also a coat of lime substance due to long contact with earth. The late Viceroy Tuan Fang has procured it with a high cost.

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No. 7I
Chow Ku Pi
diametre 5.3" in. thickness 2/10" in.


This jade Ku Pi was used by barons in time of Chow, being engraved with fine lines of grains of rice--the staple food plant of the Chinese people then as well as now--.  It Was excavated at Sianfu Shensi, dating ^[[(insert]] back ^[[insert]] over 2,000 years and procured by the late Viceroy Tuan Fang.

It is of greenish color with a coat of yellowish white as it is a perfect piece , it is valuable.