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[[pencil]] X+++++* [[/pencil]] [[black type]] No.74. [[/black type]] [[blue type]] Chow Pi diametre 6.1 " in thickness 2 1/2" in. [[small horizontal line]] This was excavated at Lo Yang, Honan and procured by the art connoisseur of Kiangsu, Woo Ta Cheng. It is of pure jade covered with red spots and a coat of whitish mould, dating back over 2,800 years. [[/blue type]] [[end page]] [[begin page]] [[black type]] No. 75. [[/black type]] [[blue type]] Chow Pi diametre 5.5" in thickness 3/10" in. [[small horizontal line]] This Pi similar to others of its kind, was used by the ancients when offering sacrifice to Heaven and being excavated from ancient tombs. It is of green jade with yellow coat of earth mould, dating back over 2,800 years. [[/blue type]] [[end page]]