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Chow Circle
diametre 4.3" in thickness 1 1/2" in.

^[[Large 'x' w/ 5 small t-shapes or crosses followed by medium 'x' in margin]] 
[[Short line]]

This was excavated at Lo Yang Honan Province, dating back over 2,700 years , a rare speciment of jade. It is of old ivory color, also worn by the ancients attached to the girdles as an ornament.

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No. 81.
Chow Circle
diametre 4.3 1/2"i n. thickness 1 1/2"in

^[[Large 'x' w/ 3 small t-shapes or crosses followed by medium 'x' in margin]]
^[[short line]]

This jade circle is of white color with a coat of watery yellow, brilliantly transparent, being collected by the noted art connoisseur Woo Ta Cheng of Kiangsu. It was excavated at An Hsi , Chekiang. This was attached to the girdles by the ancient people.