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No. 82. Han Ku Pi diametre 5" in. thickness 2/10" in. ^[[Beautiful relief carving of three Dragons - ]] [[underline]] This was excavated from Shanse and procured by the noted connoisseur of Kiangsu, Woo Ta Cheng. It is of reddish color jade with a heavy coat of earth mould, engraved with decorations of lines of tiger figure on one side and on the other, fine lines of grains of rise. The whtish appearance of the jade was due to its long contact with earth. No.83. Han Pi diametre 9.6" in. thickness 2/10" in. [[underline]] This was excavated [[in?]] the Shnase Province and procured by the noted art connoisseur Woo Ta Cheng of the Kiangsu Province. It is of light grayish color engraved in rich spiral lines all over and usually kept in tombs of ancient monarchs or their lieutenants. This is of extraordinary size which is prized most highly by art connoisseurs.