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No. 89. Chow Yo Tsi (musical instrument) h. 6.4" in. w. 5.7" in. [[handwritten [[ Imperial Musical Instrument]]]] This is a musical instrument of the Chow dynasty and being placed on exhibition when the monarch was holding meeting with his high officials. It is of yellowish color, finely engraved with threads decorations;having cute little holes in both the upper and central parts. Being excavated from the Shanse Province and prosured by the noted art connoisseur of Kiangsu, this instrument dates back over 3000 years. [[handwritten [[WU TA CHENG?]]]] No. 90. Chow Yih (two in all) a. h. 2.2" in w. 2.2" in. b. h. 1.6" in. w. 2.2" in. This jade Yih was an ornament on the hilt of a sword (spear) in the Chow dynasty; while the spear is manufactured out of steel or brass, the hilt is of jade. This was excavated at Sianfu, Shensi and procured by the late Viceroy, dating back some twenty eight hundred years ago . It is of pure jade , covered with grayish earth mould.