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No. 150
Tsing Dynasty: 265-419 A.D.
Harp of Tai Kwei
Size: 1.46.6" w. 7.4" and h. 24" in.
[[short line]]

Tai Kwei was an excellent harpist, but a man of antiautocratic ideas, well illustrated by the following incident:-
Once Tai Kwei was sent for by the Prime Minister of the State to play some selections on his harp in the palaces. Tai instead of complying with the request, threw away his valuable instrument in presence of his distinguished messenger, saying he was no actor whose services could be bought.

This iron instrument had been prized most highly by Tai Kwei and on the bottom were inscribed four characters "Shuan Siao Ti Mao" signifying that the instrument when playing on would produce sounds of a galloping iron ^[[shod]] horse in the eve of a cold frosty day. The two seals were inscribed by Feng Chi of the Sung Dynasty when the harp was in his possession.