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Page 24             --A--

Asakawa, K.

S. I. 750.  Some of the Contributions of Feudal Japan to the New Japan.

S. I. 751.  Social Reactions of Buddhism in Medieval Japan.

S. I. 752.  Origin of the Feudal Land Tenure in Japan.

S. I. 938.  Some Aspects of Japanese Feudal Institutions. Yale University, 19B

S. I. 243. Audsley, George A. and Bowes, James L.
Keramic Art of Japan

S. I. 790. Austellung alterer Ostasiatischer Kunst im Vokerkundemuseum.

                      By Dr. Otto Kummel.
                      (Magazine article.)

S. I. 335. Awakening of Japan, The.

                      By Okakura Kakuzo.
                      Published by the Century Co., New York, 1904.

S. I. 87. Ayrton, Edward R. and Loat, W. L. S.

                    Egypt Exploration Fund. Pre-Dynastic Cemetery at El Mahasna.

S. I. 1040  Aymonier, E.
                   Le Cambodge; 3 vols. and Index