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Binyon, Laurence.

S. I. 255 Flight of the Dragon.

S. I. 256./257 Painting in the Fat East. (2 copies)

S. I. 407. Japanese Art.

S. I. 714. Ma Yuan's Landscape Roll. a monograph. (153 copies.

S. I. 899. Landscape by Chao Meng-fu in the British Museum.

S. I. 900. Oriental Art - a lecture.

S. I. 1004 Thousand Buddhas, The
S. I. 864. Bird Chariot in China and Eurpope, The.

By Berthold Laufer.

Pamphlet, reprinted from the Boas Anniversary Volume, New York, 1906.

S. I. 865. Bird Divination Among the Tibetans.

By Berthold Laufer.

Pamphlet, reprinted from Toung Pao, Vol. XV No. 1, March, 1914.

S. I. 857/858. Biographical Dictionary, Chinese. (in two volumes)

By Herbert A. Giles.

S. I. 931. Bishop, C. W.

Recent Accessions of Chinese Sculpture. and Two Chinese Bronze Vessels.
(University of Penn'a Museum Bulletin.)

S. I. 993. The Geographical Factor in the Development of Chinese Civilization.

S. I. 1000. The Historical Geography of Early Japan