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China - Continued from Page 72. 

S. I. 887.        Alphabetical List of the Chinese and Japanese 
                           A. J. V. Van Wettum and J. L. J. F. 

S. I. 947.        Letters from China. 
                           By Sarah Pike Conger

S. I. 951.        Sino-Iranica. 
                           By Berhtold Laufer.

S. I. 1072.       Cities and Towns of China: Playfair 
S. I. 824.    China and Christianity.
                           By Alexander Michie. 
                           Pamphlet, published by Kelly & Walsh,
                           Shanghai, 1892. 

S. I. 821.        China and Japan - Their Similarities and Dissimilarities. 
                           By T. Yokoi. 
                           From a paper read before The japan Society of                         
                           London, 1917. Reprinted and distributed by 
                           the Japan Society of New York.

S. I. 1021 
S. I. 292/295     China, Its History, Arts and Literature.
                            By Capt. F. Brinckley. 
in volumes together in the same set with 8 volumes on Japan. Illustrated. Published by J.B. Millet Co., Boston and Tokyo.

S.I.1022   China
              Erste Teil: Das Land der Mitte: Ernst Fuhrman
              Zweiter Teil: Der Tempelbau ; B. Melchers

Transcription Notes:
S. I. 1072 is darker and more bold than rest of the page, no author or publisher mentioned. S. I. 1021 is very opaque and has no item listed.