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Chinese Ceramics.

S. I. 1 and 2. Chotscho. (2 copies)
By A. von LeCoq.

S. I. 11. Typical Examples of Persian and Oriental Ceramic Art.
By Henry Wallis.

S. I. 16. Oriental Influence in Italian Ceramics of the XV Century.
(2 copies)
By Henry Wallis.

S. I. 45. Lung - Ch'uan - Yao - Oder Altes Seladon - Porzellan Nebst Einem An hange Under Damit in Verbundung Stehende Fragen.
Dr. A. B. Meyer.

S. I. 53. Kelekian Collection of Ancient Chinese Potteries.
Art Institute of Chicago, 1917.

S. I. 219/220 Mission Archeologique dans La Chine Septentrionale
By Edouard Chavannes.

S. I. 231 Historie de La Porcelaine.
By Albery Jacquemart and Edmond LeBlant.

S. I. 244. Old Chinese Porcelain and Works of Art in China.
By A. W. Bahr.

S. I. 258. Chats on Oriental China.
By J. F. Blacker.

S. I. 262/263. Traite des Arts Ceramique ou des Poteries.
By Alexander Brongniart.

S. I. 264. Porcelain.
By William Burton.

S. I. 266 & 268. Chinese Art. (2 copies of Volume II.)
By Stephen W. Bushell.