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Page 89.


Chinese Paintings -- Continued from Page 88:

S. I. 716. List of names used in "Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art." Part II.
 By Ernest F. Fenollosa.

S. I. 780. Native Sources for the History of Chinese Pictorial Art.
 By Friedrich Hirth.
 English version by Agnes E. Meyer.

S. I. 783. Konigliche Academis der Kunste. Winter 1908/9

S. I. 785. Altes und Neues aus Chinesischen Kunstgebreten.
 By E. A. Voretzsch

S. I. 794/795. L'Art Bouddhaique.
 By H. d'Ardenne de Tizac.
 French and English.

S. I. 801. Ink Remains by Au I-chou. ([[?]])
 By John C. Ferguson.

S. I. 803. Exhibition of Chinese Paintings -- Catalogue of 
 Intro. by Arthur Morrison.

S. I. 804. Special Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Buddhist Paintings lent by the Temple Daitokuji, Kioto, held at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.
 Intro. by Ernest F. Fenollosa.

S. I. 805. Chinese Art Collection of Mr. I. T. Headland. 
Exhibition held under the auspices of The Art Society of Pittsburg, April, 1908.

S. I. 806. Exhibition of Chinese Paintings. Part of the collection of Mr. I. T. Headland held at The Century Club, May, 1909.

S. I. 807. Brief description of a Chinese Chang 
Chak-teon. Sung.