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S. I. 876. Concerning the History of Finger Prints.

By Berthold Laufer.

Reprint from "Science", May, 1917.

Conder, Josiah, F. R. I. B. A.

S. I. 216/217 Landscape Gardening Japan. (In 2 volumes.)

S. I. 218 Paintings and Studies by Kwanabe Kyosai. (3 copies)

Coomaraswamy, Ananda.

S. I. 174/175 Rajput Painting. (In 2 volumes.0

S. I. 176. Buddha and the Gospel of Buddhism.

S. I. 177. Myths of Hindu and Buddhists.

S. I. 178. The Mirror of Gesture.

S. I. 736. Corean Origin of Japanese Art, The.

By William Elliott Griffis.

Illustrated pamphlet.

S. I. 792/793 Contribution a L'etude de la Ceramique Orientale.

By Dr. D. Fouquet.
2 paper-covered copies.
(French 792 - English 793)