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S. I. 462. Coptic Psalter in the Freer Collection. The University of Michigan Studies, Humanistic Series X, I.
Edited by William H. Worrell. 
Published in 1916.

S. I. 1050 Cordier, Henri
Addenda to Marco Polo, 1920. See Yule-Cordier

S. I. 270. Cortissoz, Royal.
Art and Common Sense.

S. I. 327. Courtin' The.
By James Russell Lowell.
Illustrated by Winslow Homer.
Published by James R. Osgood, 1874.

Cox, Kenyon.

S. I. 433. Old Masters and New.

S. I. 443. Winslow Homer.

S. I. 273. Cranmer-Byng, L.
The Never Ending Wrong.

S. I. 272. Cranmer-Byng, L. and Dr. S. A. Kapadia.
Lute of Jade.

S. I. 1030 Cortissoz, Royal
Abbott H. Thayer by N. Poussette-Dart 
(Introduction to)

S. I. 1065 Couvreur, F.S. Dictionnaire Classique de la Langue Chinoise.

S. I. 1028 Cowell, E.B.(editor) The Jatake --- trans. from the Pali by various hands. Cambridge Univ. Press