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Page 113.

S.I.196.  History of Egypt.
                 By J.H.Breasted.
S.I.399.  Religion of Ancient Egypt.
                 By W.M.Flinders Petrie.
S.I.450.  Egypt and Western Asia.
                 By L.W.King and H.R.Hall.
S.I.708.  "Man" - A Monthly Record of 
          Authropological Science.Article 
          No.40 on Egypt - a pre-historic 
          Cemetry at El Amrah.
                 By D.Randall-MacIver.
S.I.835.   Incense and Libations.
                 By G.Elliot Smith.

S.I.450.   Egypt and Western Asia in the Light of Recent Discoveries.
                 By L.W.King and H.R.Hall.
                 Published by the Society of 
                 Promoting Christian 
                 Knowledge, London 1907.