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Page 226.


Japanese Literature.[[underlined]]

S. I. 375.  History of Japanese Literature.
By W.G. Aston. [[underlined]]

S. I. 746.  Japanese Conversation in Six Months.
By W.G. Aston.[[underlined]]

S. I. 799.  De la lecture Japonais ds textes contenant uniquement du principalement des caracteres ideographiques. 
By M. Courant. [[underlined]]
From Journal Asiastique - 1897.

S.I. 962.  The Noh Drama
by E.F. Fenollosa[[underlined]] and Ezra Pound.[[underlined]]

S. I. 260.  Japanese Marks and Seals.
By James Lord Bowes.[[underlined]]
Published by Henry Sothern & Co., London, 1882.