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Page 301.


S.I 561.     Nocturnes, Marines and Chevalet Pieces by
              J. McNeill Whistler.
             Small Loan Collection.
                  3 paper-covered copies.
                   1 copy inscribed on cover (In Blue Room
                   Vault with photographic reproductions
                   of the pictures.

S.I. 962.     The Noh (?) Drama: by E.F. Fenollosa and
                Ezra Pound.

         Noritane, Ninegawa.

S.I. 905/906   Kwanko-Zusetau-Illustrated Notes on the
                 Antiques. Pottery
                  (7) volumes. (In Japanese, S.I. 905;
                                In English, S.I. 906.)

S.I. 907.      Kuran ko dzu setsu.  Historique et
                descriptive sur les arts (underlined)
                et industries Japonais.  (In 5 volumes.)

S.I. 435/441.  North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic
               Society, Journal of. (7 volues.)

               S.I.435.  Volume XLII
               S.I.436.  Volume XLIII
               S.I.437.  Volume XLIV
               S.I.438   Volume XLV
               S.I.439   Volume XLVI
               S.I.440   Volume XLVII
               S.I.441.  Volume XLVIII

Norton, Richard

S.I. 406.      Report on Archaeological Remains in
                Turkestan -- in "Supplementary Papers
                of the American School in Rome."