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Page 313.

Oriental Philosophies and Religions[[underlined]] - Continued from Page 312. 

S.I. 308. The Light of Asia. The Tao Teh King. 
By I. W. Heysinger.[[underlined]]

S.I. 315. Japan and Its Art. 
By M. B. Huish.[[underlined]]

S.I. 335. The Awakening of Japan. 
By Kakuzo Okakura.[[underlined]]

S.I. 336/337. Ideals of the East.
By Kakuzo Okakura.[[underlined]]

S.I. 344. Studies in Japanese Buddhism. 
By August Karl Reischaner.[[underlined]]

S.I. 378. Musings of a Chinese Mystic. 
Introduction by Lionel Giles.[[underlined]]

S.I. 379. The Way of the Buddha. 
By Herhert Baynes.[[underlined]]

S.I. 380. Taoist Teachings. 
Translated by Lionel Giles.[[underlined]]

S.I. 392. The Soul of the Far East. 
By Perceval Lowell.[[underlined]]

S.I. 396. Chinese Art Motives Interpreted. 
By W. R. Tredwell.[[underlined]]

S.I. 399. The Religion of Ancient Egypt. 
By W. M. Flinders Petrie.[[underlined]]

S.I. 422. Studies in Chinese Religion. 
By E. H. Parkar.[[underlined]]