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S.I.1067 Pelliot, Paul Les Grottes de Tun-houang
Persian Art.

S.I. 22. Persian Lustre Vases.
By Henry Wallis.

S.I.23/24. Persian Ceramic Art. (2 copies.)
By Henry Wallis.

S.I.25/26. Persian Ceramic Art. XIIIth Century Lustred Wall Tiles.
By Henry Wallis.

S. I. 27. Die Ausstellung von Meisterwerken Muhammedamscher Kunst in Munchen 1910. (3 volumes with S.I.28.29.)
By F. R. Martin and F. Sarre.

S. I. 35. Les Miniatures de Behzad un Manuscrit Persan Date 1485.
By F. R. Martin.

S. I. 37. Miniature Painting and Painters of Persia, India and Turkey from the 8th to the 18th Century.
By F. R. Martin.

S. I. 38. Persian Lustre Vase.
By F. R. Martin. 

S.I.40/41. Miniatures Persanes, Exposees au Musee des Arts Decoratifs - Juin - October, 1912.
By Georges Marteau and Henri Vever.

S. I. 180. Persian and Indian Bookbinding.
By Thomas H. Hendley.

S. I. 187. The Treasure of the Oxus.
By O. M. Dalton.

S. I. 397. Manual of Oriental Antiquities.
By Ernest Babelon.