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Page 335.

S.I. 880. Plea for the Study of the History of Medicine and Natural Sciences.
              By Barthold Laufer.
              Reprinted from "Science," June, 1907.

   Playte, C. M.
S.I. 47/48. Indonesian Art. (2 copies.)

   Plietzsch, Eduard
S.I. 341. Vermeer van Delft.

S.I. 827. Plunder and Destruction of Antiquities in China. Private, Official and Public Papers.
             Published by the Asiatic Institute at the Asiatic Institute Press, XIV, 1914.

S.I. 658. "Poet Lore" - A Magazine of Letters/ September - October, 1910. 
         Poe and Whistler
           By Harriet Munroe.