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(張守魁), a member of District Office(縣政府).

5. Appointing two legal policemen to help to prosecute these orders.

After four days' preparation, everything was somewhat in order. On the 12th, all members of the party were gathered at Hsiao-t'un to discuss the opening of the work and the choice of the workmen. Chang Hsueh-hsien, the Village Chief of Hsiao-t'un, invited us to his home, where I explained him in detail our aim and method and gave him a copy of the Magistrate's proclaimation to be pasted in a public place. The following decisions were reached at in the conference at his home; and he was asked to carry them out:

1. Notify all landowners of the region of Yin-hsü that just price will be given to all lands that may be used in the course of excavation and that all pits dug by the party will be refilled.

2. A lodging quarter be found for the soldiers of the Perople's Self Protecting Corp.

3. Fifteen workmen be found, the day for opening the work be fixed on the thirteenth.

4. Renting two or three rooms as a resting place for the digging party.

Some details regarding the employment of workmen were also given to him:

1. Daily wage, 40 cents.
2. Every workmen must bring one of the following tools: shovel, spade, windlass or basket.
3. Every fifth day is to be the payday.
4. Tobaco and tea must be self-provided.

The necessary number of workmen were soon found; age of this first batch of workmen ranged from 18 to 53, the average being 32(Chinese), the actual number of this batch of workmen was 21.