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middle of the central portion.  Likewise, the inscription also begun with the median suture on the dorsal side, and continued laterally, as there is always plenty of space for several rows of cavities to be drilled in.  Beyond the abdominal and a portion of the pectoral area, the plate narrowed down.  The space available for divination became limited; in majority of the cases, only two rows could be drilled.  So the inscriptions on the humero-pectoral portion as well as the femural area, are limited to two units on each side: one begun at the median suture, followed laterally, and the other begun at the edge, followed medially.  On the gular and annal area, in most cases only space can be found for one unit of inscription. So, it may have either a lateral arrangement or medial arrangement.

7. Interrelations of the Inscriptions on the same Plate, or plastron.

Towards the close of the season in the fall of 1929, a complete tortoise shell, and four inscribed plastrons, each is at least half or more than half complete, were discovered near the rectangular pit in the G. C. area.  While the complete shell has offered to us a chance for species determination, the inscribed plastrons, the largest pieces hitherto discovered, and in every case fully inscribed, are just the needed material for a study of the interrelations of the different units of records on the same plastron.  An examination of these inscriptions has led to the discovery of the following remarkable facts: for one individual event, the query might be carried once, twice, thrice or even four times.  Let us name these four classes as simple querying, double querying, treble querying and quaruple querying.  The double querying class might be carried out in two different types, namely (1) double positive, or