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our whole staff were on the look out for such features all the time during the operation, althou at the close of the season, positive evidence are still wanting. But certain features definitely remniscent of such tracess have been found. It has been recorded above that in the pit WSnBw, below [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] the depth of 2.50 m., the cultural soil began to arch into the southern boundary and border on virgin soil. Such condition descended down to the fourth meter, at which the arc was elongated elliptically towards the north with an opening passage joining another rectangular depression further north. The elliptical depression after its completion descended another meter before it reached the flat bottom of virgin soil, while the rectangular one ended about half a meter higher.(map 3.G)

In pits S2, S2Bn, S3E and their surroundings there are three regular remains, two of which are rectangular in shape and orientated directly NS. The middle one is also rectangular but not so orientated. The rectangular column of cultural soil(Map 2b)on the south continued way down to the eighth meter, and before it reached the water level at the ninth meter, the deposit sharply turned north eastward and swept across the border in that direction . It proved, however, that this deposit was undercut by later intrusion, consisting of bricks and tiles as well as porcelainous fragments. The upper part showed all the traces of honest preservation. [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] It has been suggested several times by one of the workmen that this was formerly the entrance to a Shang burial, which must have been robbed by well diggers in the adjascent area. All Shang tombs in this region, accoding to him, were found at water level. The upper part of this deposit yielded a number of pot fabrics which can be restored: one, being a four-footed basin.

Both the central and the northern rectangular depressions are less than one meter deep and both possess a flat bottom. The central one was covered by a great deal of burnt clay which at first led us to think that it must be a fire place; immediately above this was the inscribed bone bearing stratum. The northern one showed nothing unusual.

In the SH pit, there are also traces of regularity, but [[Strike through]] nothin [[/Strike through]] nothing definite could be made out. In the northern diggings,there are several vertical contacts between the cultural and the virgin soil, the meaning of which however is not yet clear. The southern diggings on the [[Strike through]] ro [[/Strike through]]

Transcription Notes:
There are a few letters the author wrote over or inserted to fix the word, I did not know how to notate these so I put a [[?]] next to each word.